
TripTQ provides detailed travel information, guides, advice and services for both business and leisure travelers around the world.

Flying - Find the latest flight times, routes and schedules

Driving - Compare car rental suppliers in a given location and find the most suitable supplier that suits your needs

Parking - Find long term car parking at airports, train stations, ports and major cities

Airport Transfer - Find where the buses, taxis, shuttles or trains are for the next leg of your trip

Accomodation - Need somewhere to stay? Compare hotel offers to suit your needs and budget

Tourist Attractions - Not sure what to do or see at your destination? Browse our collection of things to do and see

Special Offers and Promotions - Did you know almost every supplier of travel services have different sales and promotions throughout the year? Follow us for notifications of limited time deals and discounts as they are announced and save a small fortune when you book your next trip

Our Authors

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Maria Thermann

Maria Thermann is a freelance copy and fiction writer, translator and blogger. She moved to the UK more than 30 years ago and now lives in Wales.

Getting in Touch

Try Quantum OÜ
Sepapaja 6,
15551 Tallinn
Reg. No. 14036846
EMAIL : info@triptq.com

TripTQ.com is a trading name of Try Quantum OÜ.